Monday 10 February 2014


Hey blog! Again - I've not updated this thing in aaaages! How have you all been?

I have lots of news!

So, after months and months of trying for my first animation job, I finally landed one last August. Was super stoked! It was at Tandem Films in London, and it was such a great first job. The studio was really awesome and it was so cool to be working next to the Simon's Cat team! Plus I got to live in London for a bit, which was an experience to say the least.. I was a Story Artist on a show called Bing Bunny, which is airing some time near Easter I believe. We were producing animatics over cg backgrounds, which was something a bit like storyboarding and a bit like animating. It was really interesting! You can read more about the show here! :)

Because the job was pretty intense, I didn't have a lot of time to work on my own stuff. I did get a couple of bits in though!

Here's some fan art for Courage the Cowardly dog, and for Animal Crossing :)

I don't think I'll be updating this blog too much, as I've moved my portfolio and stuff to my tumblr site, which you can find at I should have a website up soon too, plus a brand new showreel :)

Monday 24 June 2013

I've not forgotten about you, blog!

Heeey! Long time no post! I'll try and fill you in :)


I got my comic finished a couple of months ago! It was a long, and sometimes difficult road, but got there in the end :) It came out looking so awesome after I had it printed! Next year I'm probably gonna take it to some comic conventions, and hopefully I'll have another comic in the works by then. I've had some really wonderful feedback from friends and family too!

So since finishing my comic, I decided to have a break from digital, and bought some bristol board and dug out my markers. I've really enjoyed colouring traditionally! It's just more effort scanning in the have some rubbish photos of the drawings.

There's also a tonne of scribbles and sketches and doodles, but I'm far too embarrassed to show them to anyone...this is the last digital drawing I completed.

Me and the awesome John Atkinson have done a few collab bits and pieces too. Here's an image we worked on for the game Armikrog! 


Me and John are heading to New York next week (!!!) so expect another post full of all of our weird plane drawings...we have 8 hours to kill!

Friday 5 April 2013

Finished Cover

Hey all!

I've haven't worked on my comic much, I needed a little break from it because I was worried that I was starting to rush things. Anyway, here's my cover! I haven't added the title to it yet. I tried to get it to look a bit more fancy and have a painted sorta look to it. I'm happy with how it looks though!

I've managed to sprain my knee and can't walk on it for a couple of days. I can sorta hobble though! Today's the first day since I've injured it that I can sit at my desk without it hurting so things must be on the mend. I just had a wander outside in search of a knee brace (they put cotton wool in my bandage, and I absolutely detest the stuff. Every time I accidentally touched it with my hand it made me I needed to replace that...) I felt like an absolute idiot on my crutches in public. I can't wait to be rid of the things!

11 pages of comic left. Let's do this!

Saturday 16 March 2013

Parrot's revenge

This is something I'm working on - needed a little break from the comic. Always time for some pirate love! I also did a thingy with markers on bristol board. It looks cool - but I'm too lazy to scan it.

I'm trying to work on a cover for my comic. It's hard! I dunno if I should go simple or dynamic or what.  I'll figure something out - I've got a while to go until it's ready for printing; I have a list of all the changes I need to make.

Monday 11 March 2013

All the pages (so far...)

I've been so, so busy lately and not had time to work on this! I have a week off work so I'm using the time to catch up with friends and let my hair down (trust me, I've needed it..) I also got Book of Mormon tickets! I'm such a massive South Park fan, and have been waiting for it to come to the UK. It's not until August but aarghh so excited already!

I decided I needed a little bit of a pick me up with the comic - I've been having loads of doubts about whether it's good enough/whether I want to finish it etc. etc. Mostly confidence stuff. So put all the pages together so I can see the amount of work I've done so far. I started it about four months ago, and this has really given me a boost to finish it! So, I squeezed another page out this morning, and will hopefully get it nearly finished by the end of this week...fingers crossed...

Sunday 24 February 2013

Part One Done!

Yay! Today is a momentous one. The page above is the last page of part one! I'm going to celebrate by...starting part two I guess. The next and final part is gonna feature more dinosaurs, but that's all I'm saying! It won't be as long as the first part - will probably complete it in twenty or so pages.

Once it's finished I'm going to clean up and redo a few of the panels and get a nice printed copy made up. I did a little experiment and took the colours out of a few panels and I kinda like how the black and white looks, so might print a black and white copy too!

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Hey everyone! Here's a little update on my comic. It's taken me way to long to get this page up to where it is now. I had shaded it and everything but completely rushed it so I'm going to redo it tomorrow. I've sorted out how it's going to end and things are gonna get super crazy! I won't spoil it, you're gonna have to read it when it's done! I should have this page up by the weekend, it's hard to get it done during the week cause I'm so zonked after work. But I have a week off coming up soon - I'm aiming to get the comic *finished* by then! (I say finished - I have Munch's Oddysee on the PS3 so...yeah...)

My week off couldn't have come at a better time...this has been my week so far...

Still - payday tomorrow so that makes it all worth it! Also the whole helping people bit...I suppose that's good too...