Monday 10 February 2014


Hey blog! Again - I've not updated this thing in aaaages! How have you all been?

I have lots of news!

So, after months and months of trying for my first animation job, I finally landed one last August. Was super stoked! It was at Tandem Films in London, and it was such a great first job. The studio was really awesome and it was so cool to be working next to the Simon's Cat team! Plus I got to live in London for a bit, which was an experience to say the least.. I was a Story Artist on a show called Bing Bunny, which is airing some time near Easter I believe. We were producing animatics over cg backgrounds, which was something a bit like storyboarding and a bit like animating. It was really interesting! You can read more about the show here! :)

Because the job was pretty intense, I didn't have a lot of time to work on my own stuff. I did get a couple of bits in though!

Here's some fan art for Courage the Cowardly dog, and for Animal Crossing :)

I don't think I'll be updating this blog too much, as I've moved my portfolio and stuff to my tumblr site, which you can find at I should have a website up soon too, plus a brand new showreel :)

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