Monday 6 September 2010

Bassist WIP

I've given him a beard and aviators and pointy shoes and piercings but he's not very sci fi atm. I'm still playing around with the perspective which I've probably screwed up. Drawing people playing guitars is stupidly difficult but I'm determined to get there! I want to design this stuff aimed at a more mature audience, so am trying to stick with more 'adult' proportions and try to avoid the cute, fluffy, cuddly kind of stuff.

You should see my doodle sketchpad. I've doodled so many pictures of band members but all of them have either a rough scribble to indicate a guitar or they're instrument-less. I'm gonna need serious practice if I'm going to attempt this idea next year.

I wanna try and redesign the instruments too, and design like..sci fi ones. I was thinking of a drum kit designed like the starship enterprise, and a Geiger-inspired guitar where the head is shaped like one of the xenomorph from Alien. Aw man, that would be so awesome!

Drawing straight onto Photoshop is actually really helpful. You can see mistakes far easier on a screen!

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