Monday, 24 June 2013

I've not forgotten about you, blog!

Heeey! Long time no post! I'll try and fill you in :)


I got my comic finished a couple of months ago! It was a long, and sometimes difficult road, but got there in the end :) It came out looking so awesome after I had it printed! Next year I'm probably gonna take it to some comic conventions, and hopefully I'll have another comic in the works by then. I've had some really wonderful feedback from friends and family too!

So since finishing my comic, I decided to have a break from digital, and bought some bristol board and dug out my markers. I've really enjoyed colouring traditionally! It's just more effort scanning in the have some rubbish photos of the drawings.

There's also a tonne of scribbles and sketches and doodles, but I'm far too embarrassed to show them to anyone...this is the last digital drawing I completed.

Me and the awesome John Atkinson have done a few collab bits and pieces too. Here's an image we worked on for the game Armikrog! 


Me and John are heading to New York next week (!!!) so expect another post full of all of our weird plane drawings...we have 8 hours to kill!

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