Sunday 31 October 2010

Narwhal Man

It's Halloween, although I won't be celebrating today because I celebrated last night. It involved copious amounts of alcohol, Daft Punk, and tin foil. It was a GOOD night.

Here's a man who is also enjoying the spooky festivities in his rubbish narwhal costume.

I shall be nursing my hangover with cans of coke and zombie shooting, followed by lots of drawings of space cowboys. A good remedy? Or the BEST remedy.

Friday 29 October 2010


Hey hey,

Here's more work.

I decided to have a go at an interior, since the majority of my backgrounds are outdoors-y ones. I was going to do a night time one but I wanted to play around with some day time lighting. I got majorly annoyed at it earlier because it just wasn't looking good, but I felt slightly happier with it once the shadows, overlays and textures were on.

I also scribbled down some character stuff, but my scanner is being an uber pleb, so I can't show any of it just yet. I got some feedback from one of my friends on the other characters, so I'll be developing them further and getting some colours on them soon.

Tonight I will be doing the final touches to my Halloween costume, and exploding zombies on Red Dead!

Wednesday 27 October 2010


Here's a new background I've been working on the last couple of days. Really pleased with how this one turned out, which is something I rarely ever say! My tutor liked the graphic novel-y look so I'm tempted to work towards getting it in this style. Originally, I was going to have two light sources and have one of them at a really weird angle, but I got a bit stumped so I'll possibly go back to that on another background. Just one light source for now!

I've also attempted a night version. I forgot to add stars though! I need to play around with the lighting some more but I think I'm getting there with this attempt.

This is the version without any shading, just the base colours...

...and here are the 'finished' ones.

I also started doing some colour/lighting keys. Here's the base I was using. Not very exciting though!

Lastly, a couple of doodles, because why not!

I got Undead Nightmare for Red Dead. I've played about 20 minutes and so far it's hilariously awesome! Dead Eye + lots of zombies = awesome.

Monday 25 October 2010

Ongoing work...

Hello! Here's some stuff!

This is a character design. Playing around with colours and stuff, although I don't see them being this...yellow in future images.

I'm still contemplating how to light Mars at night, since it's moons are rubbish and won't light it like our moon here on Earth. This is a super messy lighting test to experiment different light sources. I like the idea of using light-balloon-things, kind of like the ones on the film 'Sunshine'.

I'm kind of in the process of doing some research, doodling, then more research, then producing a coloured image. So far I've only read things and looked at pictures, but I've decided to get some video reference in. Today I purchased 'The Good, The Bad and the Ugly' for some inspiration. The film 'The Proposition' was recommended to me by one of my friends, as it's set in Australia so everythings red. I shall be watching these tomorrow so expect a super-Westerny picture off me.

Oh, and my Mum very kindly Sky+'ed a cowboy film with dinosaurs in it! Should be a larff...

I need to focus on the Sci Fi bit too. I might have a run through of the Alien films...

Saturday 23 October 2010

Getting my story on...

I've just written up the first draft of my back story, and I'm happy it's all coming together now. There's a few plot holes in it which I'm sure a few of my friends will pick out (you know who you are! :)), but I'm sure after a few discussions I can fill them up. I've got a REALLY condensed version of the basic plot I'm using here, along with some bits of Mars research I completed today. So yeah, if you can be bothered, give it a read and let me know what you think so far. It's a bit of a mess of the moment so bare that in mind.

It is the year 2268, and planet Earth is running out of valuable resources. Scientists spent years scouring the planet for backup resources, but to no avail, and so had no choice but to expand their search to other planets. Fortunately, a huge amount of [fuel source] was discovered on the planet Mars, enough to provide Earth with fuel for hundreds of years.

A group of scientists and engineers were sent to Mars to begin terraforming the planet, and to start construction on a city and extensive mining facilities. Once the construction was completed, fuel would be transported back to Earth.

Years later, and Mars’ mining facilities were flourishing. Not only was the planet providing Earth with it’s fuel sources, it’s government was making billions of dollars, and had even started building homes for people searching for a better way of life.

Eventually, Earth, now globally struck with poverty, could no longer keep up the payments, and Mars’ government closed all communications with Earth, stopping all fuel payments to the planet.

Earth’s people and government decided to revolt against Mars, and the two planets rapidly went to war with each other. Earth used its technologically advanced nuclear weapons, and blew up Mars’ mining facilities, cities and killed many of its residents. The radiation contaminated the terraformed land and made the majority of the survivors loose their minds.

Mars’ president retaliated by sending a huge missile on course to Earth, which would destroy it. Very few people managed to escape the planet before it’s destruction, and are now trying to survive amongst the remaining residents on Mars, helping to rebuild the planet and begin a new existence.

[Protagonist’s name] is a refugee from Earth, who managed to flee the planet before it’s destruction thirty years ago. His family unfortunately didn’t escape, and were killed when the planet was destroyed. He was taken in and brought up by a Mars family, and later began working in the family’s robotic horse company, where he gained skills in robotics and laser weaponry.

He is haunted by the prominent image of his home planet exploding, along with the death of his parents, and has been waiting for the completion of his custom made robotic horse vehicle, so he can efficiently seek out the people, or person, responsible for the death of his parents, and his planet.

The story follows this man’s quest to search for the president’s son, so he can seek his revenge on him. However, the president’s son has lost his mind from nuclear radiation, making him a dangerous and erratic man. Our protagonist will need to gain the trust of the locals to keep track of his location, and find some followers along the way to help take him down.

The protagonist’s love interest, and fellow robot engineer, has also gone missing since his search for the president’s son, and believes he may be responsible for her capture, and may be on the run with her.

Okay, so I've doodled a few Mars concepts but I had only really looked at photographs of Mars. I thought it would be a good idea to actually research the planet itself. If any scientists are reading this, I am so, so sorry about my ridiculous understanding of Mars:

So, it's really cold.
Apparently in the heat of it's summer it rarely gets above freezing. However, it was brought to my attention by one of my classmates that the scientists have been terraforming and creating an atmosphere on Mars, so in theory the temperature would be a bit higher. I could probably get away with putting my characters in jackets and stuff, but not t-shirts. Their clothing would have to fit in with the climate!

It has ice on it. In my mind, I was going to create these big snowy areas, but apparently it's all ice up there. I might draw up these weird looking ice plains or something.

It is COVERED in craters.
I'm assuming it's because Mars doesn't have an atmosphere like Earth's, so meteorites and things wouldn't burn up. But yeah, I'll need to add evidence of these craters on my backgrounds.

It's red because it's, basically, rust.
I had this idea that the scientist had planted forests and things in the soil, but they didn't 'take' so there are all these dead trees and stuff everywhere.

It's reasonably flat. I had a play around on Google Mars earlier, and apart from the odd canyon and the mountain, it all looks reasonably flat to me. I might be wrong though...

It's air is mostly carbon dioxide.
I want to put space helmet type things on my characters to make them more sci-fi. Even though the planet has been terraformed, it's been nuked, so the atmosphere would be disintegrating very slowly, because all the terraforming STUFF would have been destroyed, and so the air wouldn't be as breathable as it was.

So yeah, there's all the writing I can handle for tonight. Here's some colouring in I did earlier!

Tomorrow, I've got to sort out a slideshow with all this stuff on for the sweatbox on Monday. Part of me is looking forward to it, but I'm always a little nervous of standing up in front of people. I guess it's something we need to get used to if we wanna work in the industry!

Friday 22 October 2010

'nother Background

Coloured that background I sketched yesterday. It's really rough because I'm trying not to finalise anything like last year's final major project. Need to do some colour keys.

Also, some of today's sketches. I'm gonna clean up and colour the fight one with the robot ready for the Sweatbox on Monday!

Well, it's Friday night and I feel I've had a very successful week! I think I deserve a night on Red Dead Redemption. Pew peeew!

Thursday 21 October 2010

200th Post! I win.

Aw man I'm having an awesome time at Uni lately. I'm so glad to be back I'm relishing in it so much! I think it's partly because this is the VERY last year, and maybe the last year I get to see some of the awesome friends I've made whilst I've been here. I'm gonna miss them all so much when it's over, but I have no doubt we'll end up staying in contact with eachother anyway. I hope! I really want to make the most of it.

ANYWAY, enough of that! There's an entire year of WORK left to do!

Now, I've got to be honest, my story isn't exactly pinned down yet and I'm struggling to make what's in my head simple enough for me and the tutors to understand. I really want to push the boat out and get a really awesome art of book done, with loads of dynamic poses and epic backgrounds, and I feel the only way to achieve this is by doing a really awesome story.

I scribbled (literally) a storyboard down yesterday for a possible intro piece. This isn't going to be used much, but it's to help me understand the characters I'm creating and their motives. I cleaned it up today and really REALLY quickly blocked out some colours and things. I'm hoping to present this at our first Sweatbox on Monday.

As for the main story, it's going to involve my protagonist and his search for the guy who killed his father. Oh, he's the same guy who destroyed Earth. At the end I want them to have an epic laser battle and for my protagonist to drag the guy out into the Mars desert, and tell him to get out of his sight forever, laser pointed at his forehead. I pitched the idea to a few of my friends and they suggested that I don't just kill the bad guy at the end. I want to keep everything relatively easy to understand, but make it epic at the same time.

This is a concept I drew up yesterday, and finished colouring today. My tutors want me to try out some different styles, so from tomorrow onwards I shall be drawing more Sci Fi elements and in several different styles.

It's a Steampunk inspired robot horse! I will attempt a pose sheet and some tack designs soon.

Here's a background concept I shall colour tomorrow. I might rough out some keys and stuff before finialising it. One of my tutors suggested folding a piece of A1 paper up and folding it into squares and doing a different thumnail in each square. Sounds like a good idea!

Finally, here's my robot dinosaur costume so far! I've started sticking on the tin foil scales and he has teeth now! Once the tin foil is done, I'll make bridges for the eyes and stick the eyes on. I'll then get hold of some UV paint and get some robotic looking stuff on it. This is the most effort I've ever put into a Halloween costume ever!

Oh, I've finally hit 200 posts! Woohoo! :)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Some lines and Halloween Costume Progress

I'm so happy to have started Pre Production! I've done some research and am in the progress of finalising my story. I've got the back story all sorted though!

This is a concept I spent an entire day working on. When I got home and after an hour spent colouring it, I realised the perspective was really horribly off and I hadn't scanned it at a high enough res to fix it on Photoshop, so this will be finished on another day. There's so much detail on it I don't really want to redraw the section that's wrong. I'm a bit peeved because I really have spent a day on this and was looking forward to colouring it. Gahh!

It's Halloween soon, and so I am in the process of making an epic Halloween constume! In homage to my love of dinosaurs, I am going as a dinosaur. Because the theme is Sci Fi horror, I'm going as a ROBOT dinosaur!

It took me about 3 hours to do the cardboard skeleton, (don't worry, I didn't come up with the base myself. I found a picture of the skeleton someone else did and just copied that) and an hour to stick the base orange paper on. I got PVA glue and it reminded me of primary school and I got all nostalgic.

It's not going to be orange when it's done! I'm going to make a load of tin-foil scales and stuff.

...and here's loads of ducks! I pass them every day and I always end up in fits of giggles when I see them, because I find the fact there's so many of them hilarious.

...what does it MEAN?

Sunday 17 October 2010

Final Interface!

Click to see it!

I've finally got it finished and am very pleased with it :) Just a couple of things to add to the research folder tomorrow morning and I can hand in!

I hope you like it. Any comments are appreciated!


I found a snowy texture that I felt like trying out. This is kind of my break because I finished my proposal just now! *dance* She's mighty cold and miserable. I feel bad sat here in my pajamas's next to the radiator...

I'm so psyched about starting Pre Production tomorrow. I'm gonna draw soooo many cowboys!...

Friday 15 October 2010

Interface Again

I've nearly finished this for the hand in on Monday. Here's a couple of screenshots:

I've added a scary owl. I'm going to add a peacock and some other things this weekend. The 'Enter' boils and zooms in, but I'll put the version with that added soon. Need to tweak the action script!

Anyway, here's the new version.

I wanna get to 200 posts before Pre Production starts. I'm at 197 now!

Some Unlikely Inspiration

I stumbled upon this artist on deviantart, and I absolutely love him. I've been after some decent inspiration for my backgrounds for a while, and I think I've found it.

Here's his blog address for anyone who wants to follow him.

This image in particular I found interesting. Because my western will be set on Mars (I've got the entire back story sorted out!), I needed an interesting way to make it obvious that it's Sci Fi. I've been so bogged down by the Western side of it that I forgot I'm setting it in Space. I love the colours and the way he's drawn this and everything. There's something about it that screams Sci Fi Western at me...

Wednesday 13 October 2010


We start PRE PRODUCTION next week (mega excitement!) which means colour sheets, turnarounds, poses, storyboards and expressions to practice. I've been researching character design stuff for my dissertation and came across this awesome book on character design that just made me wanna draw!

Yeah, this style is majorly generic and I hate drawing in it, but it was fun and it gave me a break from Flash! anybody out there?! I'm nearly at 200 posts and I'm pretty convinced I'm talking to myself here. If someone is reading my blog, leave me a comment somewhere and I'll put up an embarrassing baby photo or something. I absolutely mean it. I'm feeling confident that I'll win this, to be honest...

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Some fanart...

Good lord! Fanart? Never.

There are many things I love in this world, but some things just don't come close to my love of the Alien movies. I've seen the first three movies so many times I can quote them. I've been wanting to draw some Aliens fanart for a while now, but have only just got round to it.

Actually, I overheard my class mates quoting Aliens the other day (GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER!), so it was them who caused this picture to happen. Cheers, guys!

Monday 11 October 2010

For Maelan


More Flash + Merlin

I came home early today, because I thought having my Mac and nice comfy surroundings and snacks would help me work. My cat, Merlin, who is now 6 months old, has decided he really loves me and can't possibly stay away from me when I'm in the house. He's also really loud which is so annoying if I'm trying to work.

Anyway, here's some more Flash. There's still lots to do but I'm confident I'll be finished at least...

Note: That link to swf cabin might not be working. I can't get it to load anyway...I'll upload it again this evening if it's still broken.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Western Lady

This drawing I did last night and started colouring.

I decided my space western should have some kind of damsel in it, possibly a love interest for my mustached protagonist, or possibly just someone who can be tied up and thrown on the railway line.

Saturday 9 October 2010

More Interface Stuff (sorry)

Good evening,

Here's some more stuff I've done on my interface. My tutor wanted the user to be able to go into the chapel, so now you can! Need to add more stuff but I'm happy with it so far. Ignore the little jump when you click on the chapel door, it will be removed!

Click here to see it.

I got rid of the sign posts. I'm going to come up with a cleverer way of showing the user where to click on stuff but I'm not sure how yet. I'll sleep on it and see what happens in the morning.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Space Girl

Something vectored! Look, I even put up the rubbish little doodle I sketched before vectoring it. I hate these doodles but I guess it's all part of the process. I need to get used to actually submitting them at the deadlines!

Off to sleep now. Goodnight blog...

More interface stuff

Here's the updated version.

I changed the crow's colour because he didn't look robot enough, and put in some 'whirry' sound effects. I also changed the lightning effects. I'm not 100% sure about this new lightning if I'm honest, but I'll talk to the tutors and see what they think. There's also some signposts to indicate to the user where to click things but I need to be a bit cleverer about it I think.

It was suggested today that the interface user could go into the church, just to make it more interactive, so I did this background. I'll make a little map thing tomorrow and decide what to put on it. The lighting looks weird at the moment but I need to add movie clips and buttons and fairy lights (yes, you read that correctly). I then need to figure out how to link buttons to extra scenes. I have a cunning plan which may work so I'll have a go tomorrow.

I'm going to draw and colour something fun now, to give myself a little break from Flash.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Flash Progress + More Stuff

Hey everybody..

I've had a frustrating time with Flash (who hasn't though, right?). Files have been corrupting and I've had incidents where I've spent hours working on something in Uni, only to take it home to work on it and the work has undone itself. I've managed to back everything up on every USB drive in the house. Hell, I might even shove a copy onto my PS3, just to be sure. So far, so good.

Today I got some more sound effects on and tried out some mist effects. I need to make the areas you can click on more obvious too, cause some of the buttons are pretty obscured.

Anyway, here's the new test. Click this bit here.

Tomorrow I'm gonna add more glowy yellow bits and tone down the mist. Also I'm tempted to try out some kind of frame, just to make it look a little tidier. I have time next week to fine tune it all anyway.

I don't know how many people read this blog, but I'm getting marked on this stuff, and any constructive comments would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a couple of words :) other news, we just got back from a concert and on the way back I nearly crushed a snail who was trying to get across the pavement. I saved him and put him in someone's garden.

Now I am extremely tired and not feeling good as a result so I'm gonna go to sleep so I can be my normal sprightly self tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Sum Moar Robuts

I drew these today to give myself a break from Flash. I will do more Flash work tomorrow. I'm gonna get sound effects on it tonight, loads of creepy ones.

I'm going to look at more Steampunk style stuff for the robots in my space western thing, but these will do for now.

Monday 4 October 2010

Interface Progress

I've done loads on my interface thing today. I'm really excited about it! There are a couple of things I need to tweak and loads more buttons to add, but so far so good.

Click here to see the WIP.

Make sure your speakers are on! The crow is pretty horrific so I'm sorry about that. Fun fact about the crow - his speech was created using clips from Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' (one of my favourite songs). I wanted the user to feel like they're in some kind of bizarre desert-y place inhabited by some weird cult with strong religious beliefs, so the song choice is supposed to be a little ironic.

Here are some screenshots too, in case you have problems viewing the interface.

I'll try and get some of the initial sketches and stuff up soon! Sleep now. More Flash tomorrow...